Friday, March 5, 2010

Schmuel's Point of View

I slowly staggered across the muddy ground and saw a boy crouching in the spot where I usually sit. Except something was different. The boy wore new clothes and was short and fat. Another thing about this boy, I realised, was that he was on the other side of the fence. I stopped and almost toppled over as a small gust of wind blew into me. The boy looked up, and gave me a half smile. I cautiously sneaked up to the boy and for a while we simply stared at each other. Then he told me his name was Broo-no, I looked at Broo-no quizzically, and thought, "what kind of a name is that?" I swayed uncertainly and Broo-no informed me that I should sit down or "I might just collapse". Just as I moved to do so, I slipped on the mud and did what Broo-no said I was going to do and crashed in a heap on the floor. Broo-no screamed out in laughter with tears streaming down his face. I looked around sourly and asked Broo-no if he could spare me some food, he stared into his pockets and told me that he didn't have any and my mood dropped even lower. My longing for food and someone to talk to compelled me to continue on talking to this annoying boy, Broo-no. He started talking about his 'terrible' house that only had three floors on his side of the fence. My mind drifted off and my eyes wandered towards his shiny boots. I thought they were quite nice but I would never be able to wear these, the soldiers would shoot me as soon as they saw them. Also this boy did not seem the generous kind and would not share his hidden food and definitely not his lovely boots.