Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Name paragraph

I used to think my name was uncommon, no-one knew it and everyone spelt it wrong. People spelt Aiden, Aydan and one time even Adean. Some kids in my class would say it as Hayden or try to tease me with Maiden.

I got my name when my mum wanted Adrian or Hayden, so my dad abandoned his choice, Rowan and picked Aidan. Aidan is from Irish, Gaelic origin Aedan, and means “fire” which I think really suits me for two reasons. The first, is because of my fire red hair. The other is because I think I have a fiery personality. My middle name is Oliver, was my dads choice as well, because he didn’t get Rowan, which was a tree, like Linden, he got Oliver. Oliver means Olive in Latin.

Other kids also teased me about Carroll. I don’t mind this because Carroll, as a last name, it is also an Irish and means warrior. Together my name is fire warrior and to me that is pretty cool. I now know that a lot of people are called Aidan. Those people never spell or pronounce Aidan wrong.

Creation myth paragraph

Some people say that myths have endured for all time. Themes of; from nothingness to something, explanations of pain and suffering and the existence of supreme rulers are the centre of many creation myths from all around the world. This is strange because these cultures never knew each other. From nothingness to something is a common element in Chinese and Aboriginal creational myths. This is cool because China and Australia are far away from each other. Explanations of pain and suffering are a well-used element in Greek and Chinese myths. This shows that countries so far apart have the same ideas about why things are. The existence of divine rulers is a common element in Norse myths and also in Egyptian creation myths. Which is astonishing because Egypt and Scandinavia would have never traded stories with each other until later on. It is so amazing that many cultures share the same ideas yet they did not know each other existed. Myths relate strongly to religion and religion is still here so myths definitely have endured until today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why I chose this picture.

I chose this picture on my blog because it shows a trail leading of to the distance. Which is an incomplete journey and my quote says that if you want to get through a journey, you can't concentrate on on how far to go but on each step that you take.